Green Infrastructure (GI) is based on the principle that ‘protecting and enhancing nature and natural processes. And, are consciously integrated into spatial planning and territorial development’. Accordingly, the Green Infrastructure Strategy defines GI as ‘a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services’ in both rural and urban settings.
GI favours a more sustainable and resource efficient development process by encouraging the use of Europe’s limited space in a coherent, smart and integrated way. GI comprises a wide range of environmental features that operate at different scales and form part of an interconnected ecological network. At the same time, these features must be multifunctional; they must be more than simply ‘a green space’. For example, a single tree in the middle of a city or an isolated patch of uniform grass are unlikely to be qualified as GI unless they also contribute to key local environmental values.

Green Infrastructure (GI)
4 May 2021
GI favours a more sustainable and resource efficient development process by encouraging the use of Europe’s limited space in a coherent, smart and integrated way. GI comprises a wide range of environmental features that operate at different scales and form part of an interconnected ecological network. At the same time, these features must be multifunctional; they must …